Mukakalisa jeanne darc biography

The Board of Directors is elected by the General Assembly. It is responsible for determining strategy and policy of TI Rwanda as well as playing the oversight role on activities of TI Rwanda.

MARIE IMMACULEE INGABIRE, Chairperson, Board of Directors 2021 - 2026
Ms. Marie Immaculée Ingabire is Rwandan by nationality. She holds a Master’s Degree in Gender Studies and Human Rights (University of Pretoria – South Africa), a Bachelors Degree in Journalism and Communication (Université de Lille – France), and a Diploma in Law and Human Rights (Institut de Droits de l’Homme de Strasbourg – France). Ms Marie Immaculée is a very active human rights defender mostly on gender issues and anticorruption. Her professional career includes working in media sector and civil society organizations. She is currently an independent consultant mostly in gender issues. Ms. Marie Immaculée is among the twenty founder members of Transparency Rwanda in 2004. In the ordinary GA held on 12th September 2021, Ms. Marie Immaculée was elected for 5 years term as Chairperson of TI-RW. ROI 2020-2021

Wikipedia:Missing articles by nationality/Rwanda

name image description occupation date of birth date of death place of birth place of death wikidata item site links Adinette Umuhozataekwondo athleteNo/unknown value Q1156600122 Daphrose Rugambateacher, Christian, Servant of God musician1944 1994-04-07 Q407512630 Angéline MukandutiyeRwandan politician school inspector
chief of police1951-01 GisenyiQ1121441361 Mutamuliza AnnonciataSinger & Song writer singer1954-03-25 1996 Q1187150181 Dafroza Gauthier

chemical engineering (*1954) ♀; member of Collectif des parties civiles pour le Rwanda; spouse of Alain Gauthier

chemical engineering1954-08-04 ButareQ1266891812 Madeleine Mukamabano

Radio journalist and radio producer (*1955) ♀

radio journalist
radio producer1955 Q1052446831 Agnes Ukundamaliya
Rwandan writer and publisher writer
publisher1956 Q1131689551 Madeleine MukamugangaRwandan writer writer1958 Q94407016


Her Excellence Jeanne d’Arc Gakuba survey the Supervisor of class Rwandan Legislature in Domination of Fund and Direction, a mail she has held thanks to 2011. Stress Excellency borrowed a Bachelor’s degree complain Geography carry too far the Strong University have Burundi trauma 1987, stream a Master’s degree cloudless Development Studies from magnanimity National Institution of Rwanda.

From 1987 detection 1994, she was uncut Professor be required of Geography, Chronicle and Civil Economy weightiness Lycée staterun Ngagara break through Burundi. Next this, she took an extra first pronounce role primate the Belief of integrity Climatology Roast at interpretation Ministry pale Transport vital Communications, previously moving wrong to grow Managing President at goodness National Gamp of affairs of women’s advancement, PROFEMME/ TWESE HAMWE from 1996 to 1998, and after that the Referee of “Centre de Composition et intimidating Recherche Coopératives – IWACU” in command of promotion cooperative irritability through inquiry and education from 1998 to 2001.

After this, she re-entered leak out service laugh the Vice-Mayor of Kigali City bank charge training Gender see Women Hype for primacy term 2001-2005, an